6 Krishna Quotes on love.


 Lord Krishna Quotes will enlighten you to do your Karma regardless of expectations and uplift your life, love, and consciousness. He is the 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu in the Dashavatara. In the Mahabharata war, he had shown his Virata Swaroopa to Arjuna. This Virat Swaroopa is the only form of ultimate God as per the Vaishnava Traditions. The book Bhagavat Gita always inspires people to take up risks and get high rewards without any expectations. Here are 17 Lord Krishna Quotes that will immerse you in self-love and optimism.

1. The only way you can conquer me is via love, and there I am happily conquered. - Lord Krishna

2. The day we surrender ourselves completly to Krishna, he will accept our proposal of love. - Lord Krishna

3. He who has no attachments may definitely love others, for his love is pure and heavenly. - Lord Krishna.

4. The most wonderful elements on this planet can’t be viewed or listened to but must be felt with the heart - Lord Krishna

5. I have come to You without Me. Come to Me without You! - Lord Krishna

6. Pleasure is achieved by reducing your desires - Lord Krishna

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